Arizona State House of Representatives Legislator

Analise Ortiz

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Arizonan needs

Analise Ortiz is a born-and-raised Arizonan. Ortiz is invested in making Arizona a better place because it is her home. As an auntie to six kids growing up here, she deeply understands the urgency to ensure future generations have clean air and water, affordable housing, and a strong public education system. She will work hard to deliver for Arizona families.

Civil Rights

Analise Ortiz will deliver courageous and compassionate leadership. Ortiz has been fighting for years to protect people's civil rights. She will take a people-first approach to governing, always ensuring that she is accessible and bringing the community to the decision-making table. Ortiz is not accepting any money from corporate interests and she will not be beholden to big-dollar donors. Ortiz works for the people.

Working Together

Analise Ortiz has the experience of successfully moving forward bipartisan legislation. As a former campaign strategist for the ACLU, Ortiz played an instrumental role to successfully pass the Dignity for Incarcerated Women Act in 2021 to improve the living conditions of women in prison. Ortiz was also part of a coalition that successfully defeated bills that would infringe upon our rights to vote and protest. As a former journalist, Ortiz has experience digging deep into nuanced issues and listening intentionally to differing viewpoints. Ortiz will apply these skills to policymaking to reach consensus and deliver results.